Turn on Fest with Superbia (Manchester Pride)
In 2021, I was selected for the First Dibs programme by Dibby Theatre, and wrote my first one-person stage show, The Reason for Geese. I debuted an extract at Push Festival at HOME, where it impressed Superbia, the arts and culture branch of Manchester Pride.
Superbia then sponsored me to debut the show in full - an hour long - at Turn On Fest at Hope Mill Theatre in February 2022. It was a wonderful opportunity, and I worked with Greg Thorpe as my Director, to explore and develop the play and increase my confidence in performing it.
Going into rehearsals again was great - it is something I really enjoy. I also love that the theatre is by the canals where I was inspired to write the play - it felt like coming home. I enjoyed working with the tech crew at Hope Mill, to add layers of light and sound to the show.
The evening of the performance was amazing. I was very proud to share the full show that I had been working on for the last year, and I got some really lovely feedback.
Photo by Jordan Roberts.